NCJW Celebrates Past Presidents’ Achievements
Attendees represent more than 50 years of service to Atlanta community.
By AJT Staff | Atlanta Jewish Times

Enjoying the company of others—with their presidential tenures—are: (from left, standing) Beth Sugarman (1981-83), Nancy Hamburger (1987-88), Marilyn Shubin (1967-69), Susan Amsler (2000-01), Sherry Frank (1973-75, 2018-23), Holly Strelzik (2001-03), Diana Silverman (1977-79), Susan Gordon (2023-25), Stacey Hader Epstein (2021-24); (from left, seated): Judy Musicer (2010-14), Rachel Rosner (2014-18), Terry Epstein (1988-90), Luci Sunshine (1998-2000); Not shown: Nancy Levine (1985-87).
National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW)Atlanta Section recently held a past presidents’ luncheon at the home of past president Marilyn Shubin to honor the organization’s efforts and accomplishments over the decades. Many of the women hadn’t seen each other in years, making the event a merry reunion for many.
Since its founding in 1895, NCJW Atlanta Section has worked to turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families in our community and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.